Swoon Over Two Healthy Design Mini Makeovers – BarbaraFicarra.com
Who doesn’t love a quick makeover? Sometimes, all it takes is new throw pillows or a bold new wall paint color to completely refresh the look of a room. Similarly, there are quick “projects” you can do starting right now to change how you feel, and even look, every day. Small change can create big impact! Just like grouping family photos on a wall or placing all the things on your coffee in a big pretty tray or moving your furniture away from the walls, these simple changes can make a big difference in your home. Quick makeovers can help your home feel refreshed, renewed and fabulous, and it can do the same for you.
Looking for a quick healthy design make over? Look no further. When it comes to healthy design create your own simple elements to get healthy and feel happier. Here are two crowd pleasers.
Boost Your Home With Fresh Flowers
Unless you have an allergy to fresh flowers, there’s really no reason not to incorporate fresh flowers into your home. Give one room a try. Start out with your bedroom, kitchen or entryway. You choose. New York City Interior Designer Christopher Burns (who is one of my favorite interior designer’s) says the simplest way to liven up a space is to use fresh flowers. He suggests to his clients to use fresh flowers in the bedroom because it immediately makes you happy. A study from the Department of Psychology at Rutgers-(PDF) The State University of New Jersey shows that flowers elicit positive emotions. You can use a single flower in a vase or a bunch of colorful flowers. Choose what you love and surround yourself with beauty to help boost positive emotions. I love using fresh flowers in the bedroom and kitchen. Sometimes, I’ll cut a few that I have growing outside or if I’m at the supermarket, I’ll pick some up. Here’s the caveat, don’t stress if all of a sudden the vases are empty. Just remember that flowers do boost positive feelings and it’s a nice to be reminded in such a pretty way.
Quick Stylish Design Tip: If you want to spread the joy throughout your home, the next time you have a bunch of cut flowers, separate them into a variety of small vases and place throughout your home.
Design and Refresh Your Diet with FOOD FLIPS
It’s easy to make stylish FOOD FLIPS. FLIP OUT unhealthy foods and FLIP IN with some simple stylish foods. Here is one of my favorites:
-FLIP OUT fattening store bought Hummus and FLIP IN homemade Hummus. The next time you’re at the supermarket read the ingredients in Hummus. You may be surprised to find that there is a lot of fat in it. Try making it yourself. Here’s a great recipe from Ina Garten from Food Network. All you need is chickpeas, lemon juice, garlic, kosher salt, tahini, and hot sauce. The great thing about cooking your own food is that you can make it your own. I like to skip the tahini add more lemon juice and add a dash of cumin and black pepper.
-FLIP OUT ice cream and FLIP IN sorbet. Try this ridiculously simple one-ingredient sorbet. All you need is watermelon.
Thanks for being part of the Healthy Design Community at BarbaraFicarra.com. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me here.
Your Turn
Do you use fresh flowers to boost your happiness? What FOOD FLIPS do you recommend?
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