Spring Clean Your Life With 4 Simple Healthy Design Makeovers BarbaraFicarra.com
Design Your Life and Spring Clean Your Life with 4 Simple Healthy Design Makeovers
Spring is a perfect time to spruce up and clear out the clutter, not only in your home, but also in your life with simple healthy design makeovers. So design your days and step into spring with these simple healthy makeovers.
Spring is a perfect time to renew, revitalize, and reboot your body.
It’s a perfect time to clear out the clutter. When you think about “out with the old and in with the new” it doesn’t just mean clearing out the clutter from your closets, pantries and draws. It also means clearing out the clutter in your life to make room for new healthy habits. There’s no need for a complete overhaul, simple tweaks with healthy makeovers may do the trick.
As we leave winter behind and transition to spring, it’s a great time to get outside, eat healthier and to design your bedroom for better sleep. The best part is healthy habits can be easy. Small simple healthy design actions can reap big rewards. Tiny tweaks can equal a big impact.
When I think about spring, I think about sunshine and outdoors. Makeover your spring with these simple healthy habits: Design and makeover your bedroom so it’s your oasis and focus on sleep; makeover your fitness routine, makeover your diet and makeover your thoughts with positive vibes.
Spring Clean Your Life With 4 Simple Healthy Design Makeovers
Makeover your bedroom and your sleeping habits. Design it so it’s your oasis and your sanctuary. Spring is a perfect time to get focused on your sleep.
Lack of sleep is a public health problem. The right amount of sleep is vital for your health and wellbeing.
Lack of sleep can wreak havoc on your health, and according to the National Institutes of Health – National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, “Ongoing sleep deficiency is linked to an increased risk of heart disease, kidney disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and stroke.”
There are an estimated 50-70 million U.S. adults with sleep or wakefulness disorders. Sleep helps your brain work properly. If you’re not getting enough sleep you may have difficulty making decisions, trouble controlling your emotions and behavior, and problems coping with change and solving problems. “Sleep deficiency also has been linked to depression, suicide and risk-taking behavior.” Sleep can also help repair your heart and blood vessels.
Adults should get between 7-8 hours of sleep each night.
Simple Healthy Makeovers and Design Actions for Better Sleep:
- Design your bedroom so it’s your oasis. A place that is calming, relaxing and clutter free. Use calming and soothing colors.
- If you have trouble sleeping, keep a sleep journal (write in your sleep journal before you get into bed, and in another room) and share it with your doctor or other health care professional. (More on what to include in your sleep journal may be found here.)
- Darken the room.
- Wear a sleep/eye mask.
- Take out the technology. Put your devices in another room. This way you won’t be tempted to use them, and no TVs.
- Avoid large meals before bed.
- Avoid caffeine.
- Avoid alcohol.
- Go to bed the same time each night.
- Have a relaxing bedtime routine each night. Take a warm shower or bath, listen to soft soothing music.
- Keep your bedroom at a comfortable sleeping temperature. Choose a temperature between 60 and 67 degrees Fahrenheit.
(If you’re concerned about your sleep habits and you recognize that it’s disruptive, talk to your doctor, nurse practitioner or other health care professional.)
Looking for inspiration to update your bedroom so it’s your soothing oasis? Well, check out One Kings Lane here. Go to Shop By Rooms and click Bedrooms.
(Full disclosure, I signed up with them as an affiliate.)
Makeover your fitness routine. Spring is a perfect time to get outdoors.

Spring Clean Your Life With 4 Simple Healthy Design Makeovers BarbaraFicarra.com
Get outdoors for fitness. Design your fitness plan to include long walks, hikes, runs, jogs, or whatever you choose.
The World Health Organization recommends 30 minutes of moderate-intensity activity 5 times per week for adults ages 18-64. If getting in 30 minutes at one time doesn’t work for you, break the time up into nuggets. Choose 10 minutes 3 times a day or 15 minutes twice a day. Choose what works best for you.
Sneak activity into your days. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, park your car farthest from the entrance and bicycle whenever you can. Give a hula-hoop* a try. It’s good exercise and can strengthen your core and add aerobic activity to your day.
Makeover your meals. Spring is a perfect time to plan to eat healthier.

Spring Clean Your Life With 4 Simple Healthy Design Makeovers BarbaraFicarra.com
Eating unhealthy foods can lead to obesity and chronic diseases. Design and create your own healthy recipes. Spring is a perfect time to plan to eat healthier, and it’s a perfect time to visit your local farmer’s market.
Add pops of color with fresh fruits and vegetables. Ditch processed foods and foods with added sugars. There are 56 names for added sugar. Remember to read the list of ingredients, not just the front of the food label.
Plant-based diets are becoming more popular. Take a look here at Forks Over Knives.
The Mayo Clinic offers some good information on the vegetarian plant-based diet.
Design and create your meals to include healthier foods. It can be very overwhelming if you try to accomplish too much too soon. Remember small steps or tiny tweaks can have a big impact.
Here’s a simple example of what you can do to begin to eat healthier. Ditch the chips and cheesy sauce for a healthy dose of fresh veggie sticks and hummus.
There’s some helpful information in the 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans from Health.Gov from the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion.
(Remember it’s a good idea to talk with your doctor, nurse practitioner or other health care provider if you’re changing your diet.)
Makeover Your Thoughts. Push positive thoughts, and cut out the negative self-talk.
Positive thinking can be as important as getting enough sleep, eating right and moving more. According to the Mayo Clinic, “positive thinking just means that you approach the unpleasantness in a more positive and productive way. You think the best is going to happen, not the worst.” Cut out the negative self-talk and focus on positive thoughts. Positive thinking is great for your overall health and well-being. According the Mayo Clinic, health benefits of positive thinking may include:
- Increased life span
- Lower rates of depression
- Lower levels of distress
- Greater resistance to the common cold
- Better psychological and physical well-being
- Reduced risk of death from cardiovascular disease
- Better coping skills during hardships and times of stress
Your turn
Do you design your days and your life with these 4 simple healthy makeovers?
Spruce up, declutter and spring clean your life. Use these simple healthy makeovers for a happier and healthier you. I would love to hear your thoughts in the conversation section below. Do you use these 4 simple healthy habits to design your life?
Healthy Design Element: Harmony and Balance | Color | Space
Healthy Design Action: Design ways to achieve healthy habits with these 4 simple healthy makeovers. Why not start your own design journal and add these 4 simple healthy habits as a reminder that it’s the simple things in life that can bring great joy.
4 Simple Healthy Habits to Design Your Life:
______ Design your bedroom so it’s your oasis and your sanctuary, focus on sleep
______ Get outdoors and makeover your fitness routine
______ Makeover your meals
______Makeover your thoughts with positive self-talk
Design Your Healthy Life™
P.S. Get your FREE newsletter filled with chic healthy lifestyle design tips.
So you see, you don’t need a major overhaul. Healthy habits can be easy. Small simple healthy design actions can reap big rewards. Small steps=Big impact.
As always, thank you for your time.
Thanks for being part of the Healthy Design Community at BarbaraFicarra.com. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me here.
Design a Life that Brings you Joy!
*Check with your doctor before using any kind of hula hoop if you have medical concerns, especially a history of back problems. And as with any physical activity, stop hula hooping and consult your doctor or other health care professional if you develop pain or other symptoms.